春暖 · 初夏禮讚茶香鳳梨酥

在溫暖春日裡誕生的甜點品牌 - 春暖,主理人chen認為甜點所帶有優雅與精緻氣質能夠賦予人們力量與溫暖,如同春天能夠為生命帶來復甦;期盼以生命力與溫暖作為品牌主軸,向大眾傳遞美好與精緻體驗。
視覺表現方面 - 我們將設計主題中的"生命“以季節相映的花卉呈現,在與主題季節相互呼應的同時也象徵生命美麗且脆弱的特質。

In late spring and early summer, afternoon showers bring an earthy smell. Memories cooked in the baking tray, the sweet happiness into crisp; Point into a little tea incense, between the wind for the unrestrained summer opened the prelude. Taste the time of childhood, sweet and sour taste in the flow of fruit, enjoy a beautiful afternoon sunshine.

Client|Chun Nuan Dessert
Designer|Louis Chiu , AAOO Studio
Photography|Whitehand Studio