Joangry 布列塔尼酥餅禮盒
Joangry Breton Galette Gift Box
Joangry Breton Galette Gift Box

畢竟我也沒去過法國,對我來說法式的印象是來自於經典電影 - 艾蜜莉的異想世界
Spending time idly with you is the most romantic thing.
French pastries, French fries, French-style pasta—these fancy-sounding flair may not even be recognized by the French themselves. What exactly is "French style"?
Trying to sum up such a profound cultural element with a single term might be a little too simplistic.
Trying to sum up such a profound cultural element with a single term might be a little too simplistic.
But if I were to define this romantic country, I’d say it’s the freedom to express one’s lifestyle with carefree joy and dream-chasing, without worrying about others' opinions or societal standards.
Of course, I’ve never been to France. For me, the impression of "French style" comes from the classic film Amélie.
The protagonist, Audrey Tautou, with her playful yet determined pursuit of unexpected encounters, embodies my interpretation of this romantic land.
With that in mind, we used casual, lazy handwritten strokes to represent the unique decorative lines on Breton galettes. Paired with an overall minimalist and airy color palette, we aimed to create a visual experience that feels both relaxed and carefree, yet subtly vibrant.

專案類型 Type | Packaging 包裝
專案年份 Year | 2025
客戶 Client|Joangry
製作單位 Production | AAOO Studio team