一盒油飯 · 兩顆紅蛋
在包裝設計上,我們跳脫過往油飯產品在包裝結構上採取簡便處理的框架,將“新手組合包 - rookie set"的概念帶入結構設計當中,讓這份產品除了是傳統文化中祝賀新生兒順利成長的賀禮,同時也是給新手爸媽們的一份新手說明,祝福他們在未來的冒險歷程中能夠一切平安、順利。

Fragrant rice, meat, and scallions are unique to Taiwanese taste buds.
This aroma is a classic element of Taiwan's traditional and early taste. 
When people opening the lid of the box on a festive occasion can also realize the healthy growth of a new life, and smile and congratulate loudly. 

In terms of packaging design, we broke away from the framework of using simple packaging structure for fried rice products in the past, and brought the concept of "rookie set" into the structural design, so that this product can not only congratulate new students in traditional culture It is a congratulatory gift for the successful growth of children, and it is also a novice explanation for novice parents, wishing them all the best in their future adventures.

專案類型 Type | 平面 Graphic
專案年份 Year | 2023
客戶 Client|MANMAN FOOD 滿滿油飯
製作單位 Production | AAOO Studio

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