春暖 · 秋收禮讚暖心花生酥

秋收禮讚 - 暖心花生酥為春暖甜點四季系列的第二項產品,在本次的包裝視覺設計中我們以“金色”作為秋季元素的主體,在正面視覺的插畫選用較為簡潔素雅的秋季花草以平衡整體包裝視覺強度,運用燙金以及隱性的打凹加工為包裝整體質感進行提升,延續包裝作為四季系列中的接續產品調性。

As the cool breeze blows, the mountains begin to be colored with gold, and the inhabitants of the forest begin to prepare for the coming winter. The fruits of a year of hard work are about to be harvested, and the warm and mellow taste begins to reunite at the dinner table, bringing rich fruits to the workers.
Autumn Praise Peanut Cake is the second product of four seasons spring dessert series , in the packaging with our "golden" as a fall in the design of visual elements of the main body, the visual illustration on the front choose relatively concise simple but elegant autumn flowers in order to balance overall packaging visual intensity, using hot stamping and recessive dint processing to improve packaging overall sense, Continuous packaging as a continuation of the four seasons series of tonality products.

Client|Chunnuan dessert
Designer|Louis Chiu , AAOO Studio
Photography|Whitehand studio