Trendy and healthy brand identity|Proposal options
潮健康新傳媒 - 一個為現代人打造的健康知識品牌,內容囊括健康、衛教知識與潮流趨勢傳播;在資訊日新月異的社群網絡中,尋找一個值得信賴的正確資訊如同大海撈針,在沒有專家權威背書的背後,錯誤的資訊隱含的危機或許也悄悄的在影響你我的生活。

Trendy Health New Media - a health knowledge brand created for modern people, covering health, health education knowledge and trend communication; in social networks where information changes rapidly, looking for trustworthy and correct information is like finding a needle in a haystack, without expert authority Behind the endorsement, the hidden dangers of wrong information may also be quietly affecting your and my lives. In this proposal, the client hopes to present the brand identity in the form of a pure text logo. To this end, we transform the "trends" and "changes" in the brand concept into visual elements and integrate them into the fonts and identification images, presenting a series of Brand image with social popular elements and positive imagery.

專案類型 Type | 識別 identity
專案年份 Year | 2024
客戶 Client|潮健康新傳媒
製作單位 Production | AAOO Studio team

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