BIP / BIP / BIP.....
/ 又是一個趕稿隔夜的早上...! /

據說大部分的平面設計師都是夜貓子,而我異於常人 - 是個晨型人。

在這次設計Wave的優蛋白補充飲包裝時,看見文案中以早 / 中 / 晚三個時段分別帶入使用者所渴望的情感情境,不由得開始跟自己平日的生活狀態開始產生畫面連結 --



BIP / BIP / BIP.....
/ Another morning on deadline... ! /

It is said that most graphic designers are evening people, but I am different - I am a morning person.
Basically, when the alarm goes off, I wake up, which seems to be more suitable to be a security guard than a designer.
No matter how late I stayed up the night before, I still woke up the next morning at the same time, so that the discomfort of sleep deprivation occasionally took a toll on my work.

In the design of Wave's optimal protein supplement drink packaging, see the copy in the morning/afternoon/evening three periods respectively into the user's desire for the emotional situation, can not help but start with their daily life began to produce a picture link -

Of course, the life of an unhealthy designer cannot be used for design.

I conceptthe morning, noon, evening and the situational elements that make people feel most comfortable and relaxed at that time, such as warm breeze, daytime dream and morning and evening mountain peaks, and turn them into visual elements. With low saturation mild colors, I present the brand consistency of wave relaxation bubble drink and related products.

專案類型 Type | Packaging 包裝
專案年份 Year | 2025
客戶 Client|Wave放鬆氣泡飲
製作單位 Production | AAOO Studio team , Yu Jie Li

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