Zao Market brand mascot design
Zao Market brand mascot design

No no no,那可不是什麼可怕的小怪物在搞破壞,而是大灶市的一天正熱熱鬧鬧地準備登場;有著食物形狀建築物的城市裡,到處都飄著好吃的香味,對於熱愛美食的人們真是美夢成真...."滾開滾開滾開~ 大灶市純愛組的大姐頭駕到啦!" 飄著熱辣香味的超級改裝摩托車呼嘯而過,看來這座城市也是挺刺激的呢(?)
No no no,那可不是什麼可怕的小怪物在搞破壞,而是大灶市的一天正熱熱鬧鬧地準備登場;有著食物形狀建築物的城市裡,到處都飄著好吃的香味,對於熱愛美食的人們真是美夢成真...."滾開滾開滾開~ 大灶市純愛組的大姐頭駕到啦!" 飄著熱辣香味的超級改裝摩托車呼嘯而過,看來這座城市也是挺刺激的呢(?)
Xixi Xixi Xixi Xixi...
There are mysterious noises coming from the kitchen.
Could it be that a mysterious conspiracy is happening...
No no no, that's not some scary little monster wreaking havoc, but a day in Dazao City is getting ready for the bustle; in the city with food-shaped buildings, delicious fragrances are everywhere. For those who love It's a dream come true for people who love food..."Go away, go away, go away~ The eldest sister of Dazao City's pure love group is here!" A super modified motorcycle with a hot scent whizzed past, it seems that this city It’s also quite exciting(?)
In this packaging planning, we designed the sauce labels for the three products of the Zaoshi brand based on the correlation between "taste and character". After the project was completed, the brand decided to complete the visual elements and use specific Character personality and personality settings to enrich the overall brand tone. In this character setting, we have established a relevant and complete world view and extended elements, so that the characters can gain greater freedom and flexibility in future brand visual applications. Extensibility.

專案類型 Type | 包裝 Packaging
專案年份 Year | 2024
客戶 Client|
製作單位 Production | Zao Market team , AAOO Studio team , Yu Jie Li , Jin Yi Lu